Q : How do you reach our company? |
A : After you confirm the time with us, please go to Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport by airplane; afterward, we will appoint our staff to take you; our company is just in Taoyuan City. |
Q : How do you provide the quotation? |
Q: Are you our manufacturing factory? |
A : Yes, we are the professional manufacturing factory of stainless-steel products; we were founded in 1983 and well-experienced. We keep purchasing new machines to enhance our production ability. |
Q : Do you provide OEM or ODM service? |
A : Yes, we provide both OEM service and ODM service. Please do not hesitate to contact; we look forward to providing service for you. |
Q : Can you provide the product samples for us? |
A : Yes, we can provide samples for most products except some special models. |
Q : How do you package the products? |
A : We will add the crash protection to different products, and we will use the paper box with 5 wave layers to package the outermost layer of the package. |
Q : Can you provide the material quality certificate for us? |
A : Yes, we will provide the material quality certificate for you; the material does not include mercury and the test report proves the material does not be contaminated by radiation; the test items include component analysis, tensile test, hardness test and the like, which are based on JIS standard. |